Helping People since 2002

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a unique and complete system of medicine developed over 200 years ago.  The word Homeopathy is derived from the words “homeo” and “pathos” which means “similar suffering”.  This describes the basic principle of Homeopathy: “Like cures like”.  

Benefits of Treatment

Benefits of Homeopathic treatment are numerous.  Not only is it highly effective, but the remedies can act quickly and without any harmful side effects.

What to Expect

Homeopathy is a holistic approach to health, so that a Homeopath seeks to understand the person who is suffering the illness, rather than just the ‘medical’ condition itself. 

Helping People With…

Homeopaths do not treat disease, but by giving a well-selected homeopathic remedy to the person with the disease, many conditions can be helped.


Office Hours:

            By appointment only

            Wednesday 2pm – 6pm

Friday 2pm - 6pm

            Saturday 10am – 6pm
