What are Symptoms anyway…?
Simply put, symptoms are your body’s way of talking to you. A symptom is basically an abnormal sensation experienced by a person as a whole or in a part of the body.
Too many people ignore their symptoms or take medications to cover them up, which can make the problem worse in the long run because the cause of the symptom may not be addressed. It is like putting a sticker over your “Check Engine” light or taking the battery out of your smoke alarm to stop the noise.
There are many different kinds of symptoms, and they may be physical, mental or emotional. A sign is generally understood to be objective (redness, swelling, etc.), while a symptom is subjective (heat, tingling, pain, etc.) and conveys how the patient feels.
In the evolution of disease, symptoms usually come first. What this means is that many people notice that something is not right well before signs appear that can be detected or measured. Often these measurable signs indicate that pathological (tissue) change has happened and by that time it may be too late to reverse the damage.
Conventional western medicine is typically reliant on the signs of abnormal diagnostic or lab tests that indicate a recognized disease leading them to a diagnosis and then treatment, which is invariably surgery or drugs.
On the other hand, homeopathy is typically reliant on the symptoms given by the patient who describes their condition, suffering or situation and how this current state is different than they were before in their normal, healthy self. A homeopath uses observations as well to get a complete picture of the dis-ease. Treatment is individualized and would include a homeopathic remedy indicated by the presenting symptoms of the patient.
Each homeopathic remedy has a unique set of symptoms associated with it that are documented and reproduced in patients (clinically) and in provers (healthy test subjects), some for hundreds of years.
Some people know they are not well for years before a definitive diagnosis is made by their medical doctor, thereby adding to the suffering of the patient. And , not only that, a large majority of Canadians do not even have a medical doctor to go to.
If only they knew that homeopathy was an option to help them from the beginning…